23 years ago, I was an at-home mum with a fab toddler, Cameron, so I thought I’d have another baby. Half way through the pregnancy, I was admitted to hospital with some very odd symptoms. I packed knitting, crochet and cross stitch immediately.
A difficult 8 weeks later, when Roseanne was born, I was handed an A4 piece of paper, both sides were covered with a list of her problems.
Rose was then in hospital for nearly a year battling through no swallow reflex, heart failure, meningitis, a stroke etc etc .
During this time, with a hubby working away, toddler Cam and I went to bed around 7.

I would then wake about midnight. What to do?
So I started crafting-in-bulk! I’d always crafted, but during this time, as the sun rose, I would be found standing still in pjs, surrounded by cards, embroideries, paintings.
I trialled selling some, and reinvested any money into more envelopes and bags.
Once Rose came home, it was quite difficult to go out as she was tube fed 8 times a day, and often on oxygen and needing suction. So every nap I sewed, painted or glued.

Our house had a horrid damp cellar, but we tanked it and added heating and set up a nurse call system for Rose and here grew and grew my crafting haven.
As the years went on, many, many more hospital stays led to more manic crafting, both at home and often on the hospital wards too. It kept me sane (debatable). We even chose to have another baby, and Mackenzie was added to the bedlam of the Weir household.
About 10 years on, I was just starting to imagine going back to my work as a primary school teacher. Rose was still tube-fed, but overnight, and her medical emergencies were lessening. I was finally coping.
We were driving back from a cinema matinee. The car skidded on spilt diesel as we were going up a motorway slip road. The safety barrier flipped us and we rolled down the embankment. We landed on a path upside down, blowing out all the windows and crushing the car’s structure. The car then carried on sliding, and rolled into a canal .
Cameron dived 3 times and rescued Rose and Mac. Finally got my legs free and helped.
Unfortunately my hubby had been under the water too long and had started to drown.
He was left with brain damage.
Over the next 10 years he battled back, and can now walk and talk, and recently has actually begun driving again. It was an extremely difficult time, but again pj moonlight crafting, waiting room crafting and my now precious dungeon/cellar helped me through.
I had a kiln fitted and when life gets really hard, I go down, smash up glass, and then melt it back together.
About 3 years ago, as hubby improved, Rose also began to come on in leaps and bounds. At 17 she began to be totally orally fed, and at 19, even came out of nappies.

Crafts from the dungeon
I announced out loud on a walk with the dogs, “This is going to be MY year”.
I found the lump 3 weeks later.
So 2 ops and waiting rooms and radiation and severe reactions to radiation.
By gum, I smashed up a lot of glass during that time!
I also started to take another passion, weaving, to a higher level, treating myself to bigger and better looms. Even took one into isolation for during my glowing therapy!
So now….Shhhhh….don’t tell the gods, but I’m having a ball!

My health and their health permitting, I work with glass in the morning, and fibre in the afternoon.
I spend my evenings combining the 2 into kits.
I’m teaching from home and do talks to guilds and crafty groups.
My crafts were only ever meant to cover their costs, so I reinvest any income into more luscious materials or gadgets.
Ain’t life grand!