Conscious Crafties Product Import Service!

If you sell on another platform, we can import your products for you, so you can get your shop up and running in just a day!

Import Your Products

Sit back, relax and let us do the majority of the work for you!
Once you have OPENED A SHOP with us, simply export your products as a csv spreadsheet
and EMAIL to us along with your username/email for your shop
✔ FREE Service
✔ Import from any platform (as long as you can download products to csv file)
✔ Continue to sell on other platforms
✔ Products imported in 1 working day
✔ Available to new and existing Crafties

How to download from Etsy:

Log in to your Etsy shop then go to Shop Manager > Settings > Options and click the “Download” tab. Then EMAIL to us along with your username/email for your shop.

How to download from your WooCommerce Website:

Log into your Admin screens then go to Woocommerce > Products and click the “Export” button. Export ALL Columns and ALL Products (or add just the products you wish to export), Do NOT tick “Export custom meta” Click “Generate CSV” button Then EMAIL to us along with your username/email for your shop.

What you need to add to products after import:

✔ Add categories
✔ Add shipping costs (if not using your default shop shipping costs)
✔ Add any variations to products with options (eg size)
✔ Add additional images (your featured image is imported for you)
✔ Publish your products!