If when you share your product or shop link on Facebook, the image isn’t appearing (or a different image is appearing) then it might be that your image is the wrong size.
Facebook require images to be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size, so if your image is too small it won’t appear when sharing on Facebook. Also, Facebook will ignore any images 8mb and over, so if you have huge images, please reduce them in size before adding to the website via a free tool like picresize. Also having large images on your product can increase website page load time and frustrate your potential customers.
However if your image is the right size, it might just be Facebook being buggy! To force it to look for your image you can use their FACEBOOK DEBUGGER TOOL.
Simply copy your shop or product page link
Go to Facebook Debugger Tool
Paste your product link where it says ‘Enter URL’
Click ‘Debug’ button
Then click ‘Scrape Again’ button.
NOTE: You may need to press ‘Scrape Again’ a few times for it to find your product image.
Facebook Debugger Tool: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
Twitter Not Displaying Your Product Image
Twitter also have their own debugging tool, very useful if you have changed a product image after sharing an item as it relooks for the image as does the Facebook debugger tool 🙂