Blythe Makes Things

Hi! My name is Blythe. I've got a myriad of health conditions and disabilities including fibromyalgia, autism, and FND. Here I'll be selling the items I make as a hobby to help keep me distracted when my conditions flare up. I can't keep everything I make or the house would be full of soaps and goodies! This isn't a business and I only sell what I've already made. Because of this, stock will change quickly and it's unlikely that the same thing will be made again (or at least not for a while). If you see something and weren't able to get it before it sold out, please contact me and I'll try to help you. Please be patient with me - life is rough sometimes and since this is a hobby I can't give it attention all the time.

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Sorry - due to worsening health I've had to temporarily close the shop. I'm hoping to open it again in the near future but have to put myself first. Keep safe. Keep well. Keep crafting

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